It's timeto start thinking abouttheNew Year's Evedress. For thosewomenwhodo not yet knowwhat to wear, I prepared a cheat sheetoftrends inthecarnivalthis yearoffers us abrandLANVIN.
As every year,a sure betfor thecarnivalarepromdresseswith sequins- black, gold, silver, and for lovers80sdiscoclimatesorRoisin Murphy -multicolored.Spectacularare stillcreationsoftulle.Globed"tutu" has already enteredthe canon oftimelessclothes, but stillimpressive. And what about theseasonalnovelties? Baroquedominated bydressesdecorated withgoldembroideryand pearls, creationsof leather orleather insertsandkaleidoscopicpencilswith superslimmingproperties.For thosewomen whoofferstyling20sstyleeveningdresssuggesta "flapper" in the lead role.
Stylingonthisthe onlynight of the yearrequires a lot ofcommitment.Ifyou do not liketo run around thestore, makesuggestionsonlineboutiquedesigners. Dressesorderedover the internetis the perfect solutionfor women whowant tosave time, andtheonlynight of the yearto wearsomething special.When buyinga network,you haveless chance ofrepeating thecreationcolleaguesfrom the tablenext to, but you should bewellaware of yoursize andorientation indifferent sizes.Note, the post officedoes not always workperfectly, so this is the lastmomentto orderyour dreamdress!
Another Polishdesigneraiming forpure streetfashion. During theautumn edition ofFashionWeek Polandhadthe opportunity to seea new line of"Basic"Łukasz Jemioł, which combinescomfort andgoodtailoring.
Łukasz JemiołBASICpremierearousedgreatexcitement andhope.He was the mostanticipatedshowFASHION WEEKFASHIONPHILOSOPHYPOLAND.On therunwaywe sawa well-knownfigure: casual, simple, no-frillsandembellishments. Clothes every day- aspromisedMistletoe-inspired byhisexperiencein the designand expectations ofcustomers.In Lodz,presentedthemprofessional modelsandmodel,but alsoa designerfriendsincludingJessicaMercedes.
At thetime ofthe catwalkshowhas turned into abustlingstreet.Modelswalkedacross itin pairsand in groups, looseanddanced, laughing and wygłupiającthe rhythmI willfollowLykkeLi.
Two weeks ago,ended withFashion Weekin Lodz.FashionFestivalin Lodzwas heldfor the seventh timeandwas better, bigger and more spectacularthan the last.For the first timein theorganizationsinvolvedshowsprestigiousNew YorkagencyIMG,which manages thefashionweeksin NewYourandBerlin.On thecatwalkswe had thepleasure tosee thecollections offamous designersas well asbeginners. Inthe front rowsatjournalists,buyersand bloggers. Fashion Weekis ameeting of allthose whosegreatestpassion isfashion.
Polish Fashion Week attracts a lot of personality. Bloggers, stylists, fashion illustrators - they, in addition to design, make it an event is growing, it is noticed and appreciated around the world. This year's Fashion Week in Lodz all winter surprise. But their outfits are not gray or sad. On the contrary. Poles love fashionable colors and hot, flashy extras.
FASHIONPHILOSOPHYPOLANDFASHION WEEKis the largestfashioneventin Poland.Nobody comeshere justtoposeon the red carpet, drinkchampagne orshow upin thelimelight. Herethere areexperts, fashioneditors, stylists,buyers, and most of allpasjonacjiand bloggers. It is here thatis bornin Lodz,Polandfashion.
NewYorkCityis oneof the fourfashion capitals. This isthe real worldin a nutshell! NYCbestseenthrough the eyesof people whoactuallylivefashion.It'ssotruefashionlovercanfind out whereto go shopping, eat lunch orwhere to look forinspiration. NYCresidentsappreciate theindividual approachto fashion.In Manhattan's trendyeverythingboldand unique.
It might seemthat WallStreetis the most expensivestreetsof New York.Thisis not true, becauseFifth Avenue, "mother"the famousTiffany's, inwhichthe showso many timeswatchingthe famousactressAudreyHepburn, playing the iconicrole ofHolly Golightlyin "Breakfast at Tiffany's"turns out to bethe most representativeinNYC.At the same timethe most expensivepromenadeisone ofthe largest cities inthe United States.We can findexclusive boutiquessuch asLouisVuitton, the aforementioned Tiffany& Co., Gucci, Prada, BottegaVeneta, Giorgio Armani,Fendi, Versace, Harry Winston, Cartier, Omega, Chanel and many more.Locatedon Fifth Avenueisa luxurydepartment stores. Among themwe findLord &Taylor, SaksFifth AvenueandBarneys&BergdorfGoodman.
The famousdepartment storesJeffrey andBarneys
SoHoin New York Cityis oneof the most uniqueshopping areasin the worldand is home tomany of the mostrecognizeddesigners.Withalmost everythingon offer, from works of artstanding onthe street, to the high-endboutiques, SoHowill surely meetyour expectations.
NeighboringLITTLE ITALYis the placewhere you can findmore nichebrandsclothing-So manygreatsmall boutiquesclose to each otherthere isno otherdistrict.
Necessarilybeing inNYyou have to visitVINTAGEfashionboutique. Offers auniqueclothingboutiqueWHAT GOES AROUND COMES ARAUND which is located351West BroadwayManhattan.Among the clientsof theboutiquearethe Olsen twinsand BradPitt.You can findbolddresses,cowboy bootsandt-shirts for the concert.
After aday of shopping,it is wortha bite.Ideal forthrowingsomething on thetoothisJapanesesnack bar
CentralPark is apark isan oasisof green.This is whereNew Yorkresidentscut offfrom thebusylife,practicetherejogging,walkingand niceto spend timewith family andfriends.CentralPark hasmany of hisfollowers inthesameCOCOCHANELwho lovedspending timeat the pondJACQUELINEKENNEDYin the northernpart of the park.
The hottest place this year already opened - MYSIA 3
MYSIA3 is amoderntype ofcommercialspaceand a newconcept storeinvestment located inthe heart ofthe capital.The building is locatedin the vicinity ofThree CrossesSquare, next to the luxurygiant-a department storevitkAc
InMYSIA3 underone roofthree floorswereuniquebrand,whichis found in noother placein Warsaw,among others.Take aNAPand NAPCONCEPTSTORE,COS, Universal Clothing Company, UEG, MyParisMellowYellow, cookie /Kowalski,Berries& Co,SperryTop-Sider, NY CITY -lingerieboutiqueElleMcPherson,HankyPankyandDKNYandatelierof DawidWoliński.
At theopening of theMYSIA 3 inthis specialeveningattended bycrowds ofdistinguished guests. At the entranceto the buildingwaitingcharminghostessesdressedinmice, urging to leavebusiness cards,oneof the highlights ofthe evening wasin facta lottery.The event took placethroughout the building.Guestscaneasilyvisit theboutiques, or go to thethird floorto listen to themusic, whichprepared theDJCaslavinieriand viewa multimedia presentation ofworks by AnnaHalarewicz. Censorshipin the barguestscanenjoy delicioussnacks and aglass of winebeing pouredstraight from thebarrel. Waitershanded outglassesof wineand snacksbesidescircledaround thebuilding, as hostessesLaVanille, treating sweetmini muffinsdecorated withthe logoMYSIA 3
However,the charm ofthe eventreliedprimarily onthe factthat the guestscircledthe building, peeringintoshops,covenant,choose, buyand justenjoyed. Each of theshopshas prepared aspecialsurprise-snacks,sweets andoccasionaldiscounts.Enjoyedgreat popularityinblackcotton candy, which was servedin a boutiquecookie/Kowalski, encouragingto see the newblackcollection.It was nice tolook atadultmen, walking in woolon a stickand fry it withchildlike joy.
A charmingway toattract the attention ofvisitorswasaboutiqueMyParis -in the hallon the second floorwasa mimedressed asPierrot, who handed outbusiness cards andgracefulgestureinvitedto visittheboutiqueattheMellow Yellowshoeslovelysmile anda warmwordsalespersongreetedAnna andDominika
Among the guestswho attended theofficial opening of theMYSIA 3 weremany representativesof the media, business, the arts and culture.Our invitation isaccepted, many celebrities, including
Dawid Woliński, Mikołaj Komar, Filip Bajon, Michał Olszański, Marysia Góralczyk, Agnieszka
Fitkau-Perepeczko, Mariusz Czerkawski, Monika Małkowska, Anna Męczyńska, Kasia
Sokołowska, Ada Fijał.